Mrs Aboagye – Head of Department
Mr Feleppa    


Course Content

Years 7, 8 & 9 the learners will study the following topics:

  • Word Processing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Databases
  • Desk Top Publishing
  • Presentation
  • Gaming
  • Animation

Learners create products sticking the scenario and meeting the needs of an intended audience. They will be required to plan a solution, create the solution and then evaluate both the finished product and their own progress. Learners will be taught to use apply various software to a variety of situations in the wider world.

This will help the learners to develop their practical and written skills whilst improving their ICT terminology.


Learners who are studying a GCSE ICT will complete one controlled assessment. This contributes to 60% of their final grade, which comprises of a number of tasks resulting in a completed project. 40% of the final grade comes from an exam, which is taken at the end of Year 11. This is a paper exam lasting 1.5 hours which test knowledge and understanding.
Learners would follow the Edexcel syllabi.


CiDA is the Certificate in Digital Applications, which is designed to engage and enthuse young people with and interest in creative media production and to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to design and make effective digital products.

It teaches young people how to express their creativity in an informed and responsible way and encourage them to reflect on what they produce and strive for excellence.

It gives young people the skills they need to support future learning and to exploit the creative and commercial employment opportunities on offer in the digital world in which they are growing up.

The learners have to complete two units of work one of which is mandatory and is assessed externally. The second unit of work is selected from a number of optional units which are assessed internally.


Developing Web Products (Mandatory)A 2.5 hour practical examination.
Candidates are expected to use web authoring and other software tools to build and test.

Unit 2: (Optional)
The learners have to complete one of the following units relating to any of the following topic areas: Creative Multimedia, Game Making, Artwork and Imaging.
This includes an external assessment, which comprises of 25% total assessment for the qualification. The external assessment takes the form of a practical, computer-based task and is available twice a year in January and June.

(Includes syllabi)

Learners have to complete two units of work. The first unit G061 is theory based where the learners have to study all aspects of ICT and their practical application. During the two hour exam paper the learner’s knowledge and understanding will be tested. This unit contributes 60% of the final grade. The second unit G062 is a practical task the topic area to be defined by the examination body. This will involve the practical application of a variety of software; this contributes 40% of the final grade.


Learners have to complete two units of work. The first unit G063 is theory based where the learners have to study all aspects of ICT and their practical application.

During the two hour examination paper, the learners’ knowledge and understanding will be tested. This unit contributes for 60% of their final grade. The second unit G064 is a practical task the topic area where the learners will be given an ICT problem and will have to plan, develop and evaluate a practical solution that meets the needs of the intended audience.

This will involve the practical application of a variety of software; this contributes 40% of the final grade.


How Learners Are Assessed
Learners are accessed both on the quality of their practical work which is guided by a given scenario and the written work to support the completed product. Interim assessments are made on the learners work during the progress of the practical tasks whereby verbal feedback is given as to progress and the areas of improvement.

The final assessment at the end of each completed practical task is in a written format.  Assessment is directly related to the National Curriculum attainment target levels for ICT for KS3.


Homework is essential in supporting the learner’s progress both in subsequent lessons and to determine understanding of previous work and understanding.

Homework is given in different formats, which require the completion of different tasks, e.g. research, practical activities, sketches and written work. It is intended to be an extension of work done in the lesson or a preparation for the next lesson and it provides an opportunity to develop independent study skills. It is set every two weeks in KS3 and weekly in KS4.


Revision, Intervention and Enrichment
At present, learners can participate in ICT club, run weekly after school.

Learners who are assessed to be underachieving are invited to after school sessions on Wednesday for KS4 and Tuesday for KS5.