

Ms Clatworthy -  Head of Department, Assistant Headteacher
Mr Lilley - Second in Department
Ms Kenny - Deputy Headteacher
Ms Ferry -  Assistant Headteacher
Ms Tulley - Extra Curricular Lead
Ms Bowman - Reading Intervention Teacher
Ms Terret - Interventions Teacher
Ms Anderson - English Teacher
Ms Bhudia - English Teacher
Mr Hinton - English Teacher

Ms Lefrancke - English Teacher
Mr Weir - Teaching Assistant


The English Department at HHS is a large department, comprising twelve well-qualified subject specialists: four having Master’s Degrees; two having worked as consultants in school improvement; two involved in writing text books, one being a trained OFSTED inspector and one being a Moderator for a leading exam board.
Teachers have a wealth of teaching experience in both the UK and abroad, bringing a rich diversity of cultures, knowledge of other languages and understanding of the power of English as an International language to the Department. Our aim is to provide a rich and exciting curriculum that engages and stimulates learners but also offers the academic rigor that will challenge our learners to excel.
The Department offers GCSEs in English, English Language, English Literature and Media; and A Levels in English Language and Literature. A further A Level in Creative Writing (new from Sept 2013) is being considered.

Course Content
The focus of KS3 is to develop a love for and understanding of reading; a confidence and proficiency in writing for different audiences and purposes and the capacity to speak articulately and listen and respond reflectively when discussing or presenting to other learners. All of these skills are foundational for success in all of their GCSE and A level subjects, and for life itself.


In Years 7, 8 and 9 learners explore a wide variety of texts which are updated constantly and include:

  • Contemporary  novels such as Private Peaceful, Holes and the Hunger Games;
  • Classics such as Frankenstein and Great Expectations
  • Non-fiction texts such as ‘Touching the Void’ as well as extracts from travel journals, newspaper and magazine articles, leaflets and promotional materials.
  • Poems from ‘The Canon’ such as  Shakespeare’s sonnets about love and Browning’s murderous monologues;  a selection from contemporary poets such as Carol Anne Duffy, the current poet laureate; as well as poems from the wider world of English such as Imtiaz Dharkar.
  • Media trailers and extracts to prepare learners for the study of GCSE Media.

Learners are introduced to the study of Shakespeare through a selection of extracts in Year 7, leading onto a close study of ‘Midsummer night’s Dream’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in Years 8 and 9. With our proximity to the Globe, we ensure that Year 9s have the opportunity to visit the theatre and see a Shakespeare play performed. In 2013, we are booked to see ‘Romeo and Juliet’.


Learners’ skills as writers are honed both in response to the texts they read and in the production of their own imaginative and creative writing. Opportunities are provided throughout the year to prepare for and enter external writing competitions and HHS students have achieved considerable success with one student travelling abroad to take part in the finals of a poetry competition. The Department runs an annual poetry ‘SLAM!’ in the autumn with a well-known performance poet as master of ceremonies to celebrate National Poetry Day. All KS3 Learners submit their poems and enthusiastically take part.


Speaking and Listening
Opportunities for role play, discussion, individual presentation and the development of listening skills are embedded in our schemes of work.  We are committed to developing our learners as confident English speakers and listeners and encourage KS3 to join our after school debating society.


Early Start
We believe that careful preparation for GCSE is fundamental if learners are to achieve or exceed their target grades; in consequence, Year 9s begin an introduction to GCSE English in the first half term in spring. This course ‘shadows’ the GCSE programme introducing learners to the standards of reading and writing expected at GCSE; preparing them for assessment models they will be expected to master, while consolidating the Year 9 skills.


Year 7 and 8:

  • Options Exams (Reading and Writing) in Autumn 1 and Summer 2
  • Extended Reading and Writing Tasks on the unit of work being studied (APP) each half term; National Curriculum Level (Fine Grade) awarded.

Year 9:

  • SATS Exams (Reading and Writing) in Autumn 1 and Summer 2
  • Extended Reading and Writing Tasks on the unit of work being studied each half term; National Curriculum Level (Fine Grade) awarded for Autumn, NCL and GCSE Grade awarded from Spring 1.


Reading Intervention
Recognising that robust reading skills are vital for success at school and work, we identify and assess all incoming learners with both an on-line assessment tool (GOAL) as well as evaluating their reading and writing classwork to establish whether they may need some additional support. Identified learners follow a reading weekly programme with Ms Bowman which has a significant impact on their skills and their confidence. Learners thoroughly enjoy the sessions and are sad when the programme is completed.


We currently offer three GCSEs in English:

GCSE English (AQA 4700)

This course has:

  • 3 Controlled Assessments on the texts: ‘Of Mice and Men’; ‘WWI Poetry’ and ‘Romeo and Juliet’
  • 2 Controlled Assessments on writing
  • 3 Controlled Assessments on speaking and listening
  • 1 Exam on non-fiction and writing.


CA Tasks change each year.
CAs = 60% and Exam 40%

GCSE English Language (AQA 4705)
This course has:

  • 1 Controlled Assessments on extended reading: currently a selection of murder mysteries
  • 1 Controlled Assessment on Spoken Language (a research based project on their own idiolect)
  • 2 Controlled Assessments on writing
  • 3 controlled Assessments on speaking and listening
  • 1 Exam on non-fiction and writing.

CA Tasks change each year.
CAs = 60% and Exam 40%

GCSE English Literature (AQA 4710)

  • 1 Controlled Assessment on Shakespeare (‘Macbeth’) and Dickens (‘Great Expectations’)
  • 1 Exam on either a novel, play or selection of short stories


CA Tasks change each year.

GCSE Intervention
It is vital that all learners complete Controlled Assessment to their highest standard. Teaching is tailored to this outcome; but for learners who have found the skills difficult to master, they are placed in small group Intervention Sessions with Mrs Terret where the key skills are reviewed and a fresh task attempted. This model has proved very successful as each unit has a discrete number of intervention lessons leading to the reattempt. Learners really enjoy the small group experience and appreciate their rapid success!

GCE A Level English Language and Literature (AQA Specification A 1721/2721)

  • Unit 1: Integrated Analysis and Text Production  (Weighting 20% - Exam)
  • Unit 2: Exploring Creative Writing. (Weighting 30% - Exam)
  • Unit 3: From Reading to Writing (Weighting 20% - Exam)
  • Unit 4: The Writing Portfolio. (Weighting 30% - coursework)


These Units will only be available for examination in June 2014 and may be subject to change due to Government review.


GCE A Level English – Creative writing  (AQA Specification)
This is a new course only available from Sept 2013. The Department will be exploring  this course as an additional ‘enrichment’ course for Sixth Formers and advanced Year 11s.

  • Unit 1: Writing on demand  (Weighting 25% - Exam)
  • Unit 2: Analysing Speech and its Representation. (Weighting 25% - Exam)
  • Unit 3: Comparative Analysis and Text Adaptation (Weighting 30% - Exam)
  • Unit 4: Comparative Analysis through Independent Study. (Weighting 20% - coursework)


Classes at all key stages are set which allows the differentiation of texts, materials and lesson pitch so that learners are placed where they have the appropriate level of support and challenge.

Homework is designed to support and embed the skills they have learnt in class.

KS3 – 1 session per week
KS4 – two sessions per week

Revision, Intervention and Enrichment
The Department has a well-developed programme of intervention including:

  • Year 6 into 7 Summer School – Year 6s who would benefit from a programme enhancing their reading and writing skills are invited for a week of English and fun in the summer holidays before Year 7.
  • Year 9 Achievers – small groups of learners aiming for Level 5 or 6 who are more than a sub level below their KS3 Target.
  • Year 7-8 - reading Intervention groups
  • Year 11 Achievers – small group interventions (see above)
  • Thursday Club – all teachers offer an hour after school to review and revisit GCSE CAs
  • Wembley Conference – 2 days of Exam Skills for  learners who are targeting grade ‘C’
  • Saturday and Holiday Classes – focussing on CAs and Exam Skills offered before key assessment points.

Revision packs are supplied before exams for all year groups.