At Key Stage 3, all learners spend the first half term of Year 7 in mixed ability groups working on a water themed cross-curricular project. For the rest of the Key Stage, learners are taught in ability groupings.
At Key Stage 4, learners are taught in ability groupings at higher tier and mixed ability groupings at foundation tier. Most learners follow the 2-year Edexcel course: GCSE 2010 (2MB01) Mathematics B. Late arrivals will be entered for the course: GCSE 2010 (1MA0) Mathematics A.
Across both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, learners study a range of topics covering:
• Using and applying
• Number
• Algebra
• Geometry and measures
• Statistics
There are also regular opportunities to develop functional skills through questions, tasks and activities relating to maths in a problem solving or functional context.
GCSE Statistics runs as an option subject. Learners follow the Edexcel course: GCSE Statistics (2ST01). Some learners continue onto the AS course: GCE AS Mathematics – Statistics 1 (6683)
Learners are assessed throughout the KS3 course on responses in class, classwork, homework and class tests set as appropriate by the class teacher.
Learners are assessed throughout the KS4 course on responses in class, classwork, homework and exams: mock GCSE unit exams and real, external GCSE unit exams.
GCSE Mathematics is assessed through 3 unit tests. Each unit can be retaken ONCE only.
Each unit is available at Higher and Foundation tier. Grades C to G are available at Foundation tier. Grades A* to D are available at Higher tier (E is allowed).
Percentage | Marks | Time | Description |
Unit 1: Statistics, Probability, Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measures | 30% | 60 | 1h15 | Calculators are allowed. |
Unit 2: Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measures 1 | 30% |
60 |
1h15 | Calculators are not allowed. |
Unit 3: Number, Algebra, Geometry and Measures 2 | 40% | 80 | Found – 1h30 Higher – 1h45 |
Calculators are allowed. |
GCSE Statistics is assessed through one exam and one piece of controlled assessment:
Percentage | Marks | Time | Description | |
Statistics exam (Written paper) |
75% | 100 | Found – 1h30 Higher – 2h |
Calculators are allowed. |
Controlled assessment | 25% | 60 | 1h15 | Completed in 3 stages. |
The school subscribes to the website This website is used for homework and is a fantastic resource for revision and extra help, with step by step explanations, worked examples and lots of questions to test learners’ understanding. By clicking, “Mark it”, the user can see exactly which questions were answered correctly or not. Each learner is given a unique user name and login.
The department runs a range of extra curricular clubs and Wednesdays is Maths day
The following clubs run every Wednesday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm:
Additional support is available at the following times:
You can also find Chess Club running every Wednesday lunchtime in M7 for KS3&4.