Making secure payments online using your credit or debit card.

Harrison Catering Services, have subscribed to ParentPay to aid us with Cashless Payment System. ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - the technology used is of the highest internet security available.

Simply click on the logo below!

Free School Meals Application



Many families are entitled to Free School Meals. For questions about Free School Meals, or to see if you qualify, please apply direct to Harrow Council. Click here to be directed to Harrow Council webpage


Buying meals at school


Cashless Payment System

Our learners have benefited, over the last 12 years, from a smartcard payment system.  As technology improves, new and even more reliable systems are available to schools.  Cunninghams, our current provider, have developed a biometric technology system now used in other schools up and down the country.  After careful consideration and discussion, the governing body support the school in its proposal that we adopt the biometric identification for our young people. 


The system operates with biometric identification (finger scanning).  Whereas smartcards have been lost or stolen, with parents having to pay for replacements (£5 per smartcard), a finger remains attached to the child!  We are aware that there have been some concerns regarding the use of biometric identification.  This has been studied by the Government and approval has been given for schools to use it.


The system uses an image of the finger which is captured encrypted.   This image is then processed using a function called feature extraction where only points of interest called minutiae are calculated and recorded. The image is discarded after this process. The minutiae points are stored in a binary format called a template. It is only the templates that are stored and compared.  The algorithms used to create the fingerprint data do not store any information that could be used to re-create the ridges of the fingerprint. The manufacturer of the system and the school take data protection extremely seriously. The guidance states that schools must destroy data when learners leave school and not share any such biometric information.

In addition to the new cashless system the school has arranged via ParentPay, the facility for parents to pay for school lunches via the internet (see separate letter).  This option for parents/carers to pay directly to the caterer ensures the money is spent in school on lunches and not elsewhere. The ‘free school meal’ allowance will still be automatically allocated to those entitled to this allowance.


The school, learners and parents will all benefit from the new system.  Learners no longer need to spend time queuing for a voucher when they have forgotten their smartcard.  The service in the dining room will be faster as checking the validity of the smartcard will not be required.  Learners need not queue to add cash to their smartcard and there is no fear of being bullied for cash or smartcard.  The school will benefit as staff will no longer have the duty of issuing vouchers on a daily basis.  Parents will know that money for lunches will be spent in school and not on other items. Parents can pay online or by cheque to Harrisons Catering.


For more information on how to use ParentPay please follow the link